Gotta Catch 'Em All!: Using Pokemon Go as a Health and Wellness Education Tool

I should begin this post with an all-important disclaimer: I'm a huge Pokemon nerd. I have about 9,000 cards in my collection (and counting!) and I've played every game. The anime was a huge part of my life as a kid, and it's always been a dream to have these awesome, mystical creatures come to life. So imagine my excitement when Pokemon Go burst onto the scene. I was actually one of the players selected for the beta testing stage, so I got in on the action very early on, when bugs were plentiful (and I'm not talking about caterpie here). Pokemon Go is a fun, interactive mobile app that utilizes GPS and AR technology to bring Pokemon into the real world. The premise is simple: the player is a Pokemon trainer that must go around catching various types of Pokemon. Different types of Pokemon appear in different areas (oftentimes, water type Pokemon appear by bodies of water, and some Pokemon like Mr. Mime are region-locked). The more the player explores their community, ...