Screencasting in the Classroom

This week I sought out a tech tool that would be useful in my work as a future High School Librarian. Since I come from a High School English education background, I decided to use this content area as my focus. However, the tool I found could be used in any classroom, and also in the library. Edtech VISION, a blog run by Colette Cassinelli, a library and instructional technology teacher, focuses on valuable tech tools that she has found useful. It was almost difficult to decide on a tool to share! I ended up choosing to focus on the topic of screen casting because I have often wanted to know how to use a screen casting program, both as a teacher and a librarian. I think that screen casting has universal appeal as a teaching tool. Cassinelli discusses screen casting software in her post Screencasting for Everyone, made on June 14, 2019.

The software Cassinelli uses is called Screencastify, a Google Chrome extension that lets you record your screen directly from your browser. As you have a Google account, it is super simple to use. Linked HERE is a step-by-step guide to Screencastify's use.  Screencasting is used for anything from video game playthroughs to classroom demonstrations. We of course will be utilizing the program for the latter. Screen casting is an invaluable tool for educators in showing students how to complete tasks, like searching through databases, that the student can then go back and watch again and again for reference. Screen casting can also be used to record the steps to correctly formatting a paper, or how to utilize features in Google Classroom. Teachers get asked the same question on how to do something on the computer over and over again. By recording the steps in Screencastify, teachers are able to answer these questions quickly and efficiently, as well as use it alongside their already existing presentation tactics in the classroom.

Cassinelli, C. (2019, June 14). Screencasting for Everyone. Retrieved from

Dukes, Nefertiti. (2019, July 23). A Beginner's Guide to Screencastify for Educators. Retrieved from

Screencastify. (2017, May 25). An Introduction to Screencastify [video file]. Retrieved from


  1. I love this. I went to ED Tech last year and they had a class on screen casting but I was not able to go. I would love to use this to show students how to format papers.

  2. Our new Smartboards at our school allow you to cast to the board. That is a skill that I still haven't mastered, but I am so glad to see your tutorials and suggestions.

  3. I also chose to reflect on screencasting! Its amazing the number of tools out there that are designed for this one specific concept. I think the potential of screencasting in the schools are limitless! Thank you for introducing me to this new blogger as well! I will definitely be checking it out!


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